Report Repair

There will be times in which you have a document that is written well, but its presentation is lacking. These documents should be presented in such a way to highlight the content while not distracting the reader from the message. Charts and graphs should be placed in natural places to highlight the content they enhance. These types of projects display an aptitude for visual communication because you might not change much of the content, but rather the message is altered through the delivery.

Analytics Report

In this piece, I didn’t write any of the text; I was asked to modify a block of unformatted text into a readable document. I took the unformatted and disorganized original and created a report that was readable and accessible. The tables were initially in the appendix, I brought the data out into the open where it easily be accessed.


Original, unformatted text.

Updated, organized, formatted document.

My headings are clear, and the design is consistent. Here, I was able to display my ability to visually design a document without needed to change any of the original content. I used Adobe Illustrator to design the logo and other graphical assets and used word to format the text. I assembled the text with the graphics using Adobe Acrobat.