Web Design

My Philosophy on Web Design

Because of the web, people experience the world in ways that have never been possible in all of history. As a web designer, every decision that you make has an impact.

- The font that you use can change how the reader perceives your content.

- The placement of a button or image can mean the difference between closing the sale or having someone abandon their cart.

- The same word can inspire one person and offend another.

There is great power in designing a front end web experience, and as the uncle of a prolific web designer once said, "with great power, comes great responsibility". I believe in ethical web design because we use our understanding of human factors and psychology to design an experience that should always be in the user's best interest. It's tempting to manipulate people using design, but it's our responsibility to make the web a place that people can trust.

Understanding how people make decisions and mapping that to different experiences in web design can save people time, get them the information and products they came for and get them back to their lives.

In this section, you'll find some examples of both original and re-designs of existing content. Thanks for having a look!